数学课程描述- AB705



有很多数学选项可供选择, 这取决于你的个人兴趣和学术目标.


This course is one of two courses that develops mathematical topics needed for elementary school teaching with a focus on reasoning, problem solving, and communication. This course focuses on the development of quantitative reasoning skills through in-depth, integrated explorations of topics in mathematics, including real number systems and subsystems. Emphasis is on comprehension and analysis of mathematical concepts and 逻辑推理的应用.  符合小学教师的要求 certification.

Transfers to CSU.

This course is one of two courses that develops mathematical topics needed for elementary school teaching with a focus on reasoning, problem solving, and communication. The topics include elementary statistics and probability, two- and three-dimensional geometry, 测量,坐标几何和绘图. 满足初等要求 学校教师资格证.

Transfers to CSU.

This course develops an understanding of the relationship of language to logic, which should lead to the ability to analyze, criticize, and advocate ideas and to reason 归纳和演绎. 技能将通过写作和阅读得到发展 参数的正式符号表示.

Transfers to CSU.

This course is applicable for students whose major doesn’t dictate a specific transfer level math course. 它是对各个领域的数学概念的概览. The topics include probability, statistics, set theory, measurement, geometry, and business finance.

Transfers to CSU.

This course is applicable for business, economics and social sciences majors. This course develops an understanding of linear functions, systems 线性方程 and inequalities, matrices, linear programming, mathematics of finance, sets and Venn 图表,组合技术和概率论.


This course presents a study of the techniques of calculus without the use of trigonometry.  It emphasizes the application of these concepts to business and management related problems. The applications of derivatives and integrals of functions including polynomials, 研究了有理函数、指数函数和对数函数.


This course uses data from disciplines including business, social sciences, psychology, life science, health science, and education to create better understanding of probability techniques, hypothesis testing, and predictive techniques to facilitate decision-making. Topics include descriptive statistics; probability and sampling distributions; statistical inference; correlation and linear regression; analysis of variance, chi-square and t-tests; and application of technology for statistical analysis including the interpretation 统计结果的相关性.


本课程涵盖三角学的理论与应用. The topics include definitions of circular and right triangle trigonometric functions, graphs, identities, equations, solutions of right and oblique triangles, vectors, polar coordinates, and complex numbers.

Transfers to CSU.

This course covers advanced algebra concepts beyond the scope of Intermediate Algebra 专门为学生准备微积分第一学期的课程.  The topics include algebraic simplifying, conics, theory and solution of equations and inequalities, systems of equations, linear functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, polynomial 有理函数,二项式展开和部分分式.


主要适用于科学、技术、工程 & 数学(STEM)专业,这是第一次 course in differential and integral calculus of a single variable: functions, limits and continuity, techniques and applications of differentiation and integration, Fundamental 微积分定理.


主要适用于科学、技术、工程 & 数学(STEM)专业,这是第二个 course in differential and integral calculus of a single variable: integration; techniques of integration, infinite sequences and series, polar and parametric equations, applications of integration.


主要适用于科学、技术、工程 & 数学(STEM)专业,这是第三个 course in differential and integral calculus: vector valued functions, calculus of functions of more than one variable, partial derivatives, multiple integration, Green's 定理,斯托克斯定理,散度定理.


主要适用于科学、技术、工程 & 数学(STEM)专业,本课程是 an introduction to ordinary differential equations including both quantitative and qualitative methods as well as applications from a variety of disciplines. Introduces the theoretical aspects of differential equations, including establishing when solution(s) exist, and techniques for obtaining solutions, including, series solutions, and singular 点,拉普拉斯变换和线性系统.


This course develops the techniques and theory needed to solve and classify systems 线性方程. 求解技术包括行运算,高斯消去, and matrix algebra. 研究二维和三维向量的性质, 引出了抽象向量空间的概念. 向量空间和矩阵理论 are presented including topics such as inner products, norms, orthogonality, eigenvalues, 特征空间和线性变换. 选择线性代数的应用是 included.


本课程旨在为学生提供 beginning level Algebra skills because 他们希望主修科学、技术、工程 & Math (STEM). This course prepares students to take Intermediate Algebra (Math 124) and covers fundamental algebraic 概念和操作.


本课程涵盖几何学中选定的主题. 主题包括一致性,相似性, parallelism, proofs, constructions, and the perimeter, area and volume of geometric figures.


This course combines the concepts found in traditional beginning and intermediate 加速形式的代数. 本课程旨在为学生提供 beginning and intermediate level Algebra skills because they desire to major in Science, 技术、工程 & Math (STEM). 这门课程为学生上大学做准备 Algebra (Math 26) and 涵盖基本的代数概念和运算.


本课程旨在为学生提供 preparatory skills for Introduction to Statistics (Math 18) or Liberal Arts Math (Math 11) because they intend to major 在文科领域的研究.  本课程涵盖描述性统计,如 as mean, median, mode and standard deviation, as well as, normal distribution, probability 线性和指数模型.


This course builds on the concepts and skills learned in Beginning Algebra. This course is designed to provide students with intermediate level Algebra skills because they 希望主修科学、技术、工程专业 & Math (STEM). 本课程准备 学生选修大学代数(数学26)和三角(数学20).  This course 涵盖基本的代数概念和运算.


This course is a non-credit, self-paced preparatory class for all math classes offered at Butte College.



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