Faculty Resources

Faculty & Resources

Faculty Roster + Grading FAQs

Introduction to Faculty Roster & Grading PDF

与您的部门联系以获得培训和帮助.  Email admissions@ycdwkj666.com 如果您仍然需要帮助,请拨打(530)895-2511.

从2023年秋季开始,“添加授权”取代了电子添加卡. Once a 上课开始时,学生将需要添加授权来注册 客舱部分是否有座位. Once you authorize the student to 在你的部门注册,告诉学生去他们的MyBC自助服务门户网站 complete the registration.

See quick instructions here: Steps for Issuing an Add Authorization or detailed instructions: 再见添加卡-你好添加授权


Watch the videos here: 自助服务:为教员添加授权 and 再见添加卡-你好添加授权.

“添加授权”仅供学生首次注册时使用一次. 如果学生退课或者你因为"不来"而退课,你会的 想要在你的课程中阅读它们,请按照“如何阅读”下面列出的说明 do I reinstate a student?”.

If you need to reinstate a student, do not 颁发“添加授权”或“教员同意”权限. Please use your Faculty Butte email to contact admissions@ycdwkj666.com 请求你的学生复职. Include the following information:

Student's Full Name

Student's ID Number

Course Name

Course Section Number 


希望在上课第一天或之后加入一个小组的学生 向讲师申请添加授权,并提供其学生证号码. The instructor 使用他们的ID#在Self-Service中提供添加授权. The student then logs 到Self-service并添加到部分中. 

See instructions here: Steps for Issuing an Add Authorization


Watch the vidoes here: 自助服务:为教员添加授权 and 再见添加卡-你好添加授权.

有关此过程的问题可直接向 admissions@ycdwkj666.com or (530) 895-2511.

Note:  新增授权必须在人口普查日期前撤销.  在人口普查时或之后不给学生“添加授权”或“教师同意” it may result in a Late Add.  逾期添加将显示在注册审计报告上. 这一信息将报告给你的部门.

Adding Students After Census (1st Date of Attendance is before census)
如果学生在人口普查日期之前已经上课,请联系 admissions@ycdwkj666.com and provide the following information:
  • Student's Full Name
  • Student ID#
  • Course Number
  • Section Number
  • Pre-census First Date of Attendance
Late Adds (1st Date of Attendance on or after census)
如果您希望在人口普查日期或之后增加学生,请联系您的院长以获得批准 with the following information:
  • Student's Full Name
  • Student ID#
  • Course Number
  • Section Number
  • 首次出席日期(只适用于亲身出席的课程)
如果延迟添加是院长批准的,请从您的E世博ESBALL电子邮件转发电子邮件 to admissions@ycdwkj666.com for processing.

一旦学期开始,等待名单将关闭,学生不再能够 to be enrolled off of the waitlist.  所有在活跃候补名单上的学生 会被转到非活跃候补名单上吗.  You can click on the Nonactive Waitlist 公开学生的姓名和身份证号码. You may give an Add Authorization through 您的自助服务教师名册权限选项卡. You can copy and paste the student 从活动等待列表中获取ID#,以在自助服务中提供添加授权. The 然后学生登录到自助服务系统并添加到该部分.

See instructions here: Steps for Issuing an Add Authorization


Watch the vidoes here: 自助服务:为教员添加授权 and 再见添加卡-你好添加授权.

Go to http://portal.ycdwkj666.com and then click Self Service.  Login with your username and password.  Click on the Faculty Tile or the Daily Work Icon.



  • In Faculty Overview, click on the course link to see Section Details.
  • Go to your Census
  • 将“从未出席”和“最后出席日期”报告给 clear the rolls of inactive students.
  • Click on the blue Census Button on or after the Census Date. This activates the Certify Button (button will turn blue when activated).
  • Click the Certify Button.
  • 阅读“认证声明”后单击 Submit.

  • 在人口普查之前,报告从未参加或停止参加的学生 Census
  • 在人口普查后,报告发生在课程的50%分之前的下降和任何错误 (No Shows) on the Drop You can only make changes on the Drop roster until 75% of the course.
  • 超过50%的学生停止上课的学生需要被评为FW(不及格) to Withdrawal) on the Grade Roster with their last date of attendance.
  • Exceptions:在50%-75%的日期之间,有“严重和令人信服”理由的学生可以 在讲师的授权下,我将得到“W”的成绩.  Contact admissions@ycdwkj666.com 或你所在的部门提交一份“严重且令人信服”的退学表.
  • 超过50%的学生停止上课的学生需要被评为FW(不及格) to Withdrawal) on the Grade Roster with their last date of attendance.
  • Exceptions:在50%-75%的日期之间,有“严重和令人信服”理由的学生可以 在讲师的授权下,我将得到“W”的成绩.  Contact admissions@ycdwkj666.com 或你所在的部门提交一份“严重且令人信服”的退学表.
  • In Faculty Overview, click on the course link to see Section Details.

  • Click on the Grade roster

  • Click on the Final Grade tab

  • Enter grades from the dropdown menu.
  • From the Grade Roster, click Final Grade
  • 从Final Grade下拉菜单中选择“INC”.
  • 红色警告“将不完整的合同提交给A”&R using the following Incomplete Grade Contract form” will display.
  • 下载未完成的等级合同,完成它,并将其发送到 admissions@ycdwkj666.com.
  • 一旦e世博官方网站办公室收到不完整的成绩合同 & Records, the red alert will no longer display on your Grade Roster.
  • 对于不可预见的紧急情况或正当的情况,可授予不完全(“I”)等级 在期限结束时替换“RD4”的理由. The original copy of the Incomplete 由教师和学生双方签署的年级合同必须提交给e世博官方网站处 and Records during the grading period. 明确搬迁的具体条件 不完整(#3)和如果不满足条件(#4)将进入的等级. 最终成绩由指导老师颁发(使用第二份副本或成绩变更表)。 当满足第3条所述的条件时. Students have one year from the end 在期限内-满足搬迁的条件,除非是更短的时间 specified by the instructor in #3. 加州法规:5 CA ADC 55023
  • In Faculty Overview, click on the course link to see Section Details.
  • Click on the Attendance 只有积极出席课程将有一个出席标签.
  • Choose the date from the Calendar icon.
  • 输入个别学生的每日小时数,或输入旁边的所有学生的小时数 the “Update All” button & click “Update All.”
  • 每天都重复这个过程.
院系可以颁发“添加授权”或“院系同意”来授予学生许可 to register for their section.  关于教师权限的更多信息是 coming soon.

Contact Us

Admissions & Records Office
SAS Building – First Floor
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965

530-895-2284 (Español)
530-879-4313 (Fax)


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Content editor:
Julie Scarpelli 