Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent Enrollment

Get a head start on college credits! 

What is Concurrent Enrollment? Students who are concurrently enrolled are simultaneously attending their education program while earning credits at Butte College that can be used to fulfill high school and college certificate, transfer, or graduation requirements. Enrollment and service fees are waived; however, course material fees and textbooks are not waived.

Why should I concurrently enroll? Concurrent enrollment is an amazing opportunity for you to earn college credits early while saving money – yes, your tuition is free! It allows you to explore new subjects, kickstart your college journey, and explore potential career paths – all with flexible scheduling to suit your needs. So, why wait? Grab this chance to accelerate your education and future success.

Who can participate? Any student that is currently: 1) Enrolled in high school (or lower grade); 2) Pursing a high school diploma or equivalent; or 3) Attending a noncredit or adult education program.

Application Process

  • Step 1: Complete the Consent Form*. If you are taking a Butte College course for the first time, you will be required to upload a Consent Form in the Pre-Registration Form (do not email). The Consent Form must be signed by you, your parent/guardian, and your school principal/education manager.
        • *If you have previously participated in Dual Enrollment or Concurrent Enrollment, you do not need to submit a Consent Form.

  • Step 2: Apply to Butte College*. Complete the online application via CCC Apply. Refer to our website for application instructions. Have your Butte College Student ID ready for the Pre-Registration Form.

        • *If you have previously applied to Butte College or have submitted an ESL application, you do not need to submit an application.
  • Step 3: Submit the Pre-Registration Form. Complete the digital Concurrent Enrollment Pre-Registration Form each semester. The form requests the following information: 
    • Student & School Information: Include contact information for yourself, your current school of attendance, and your school counselor/adult education manager.
    • Course Enrollment: List the courses you intend to enroll in after consulting with your school counselor/principal or adult education manager. Some courses have prerequisites and can be found in the Course Catalog or by searching for classes here. We encourage you to include alternate courses should your first-choice classes fill up. 
    • Document Upload: You will be asked to upload various documents – 1) Consent Form if you are a first-time Butte College student; 2) Private School Affidavit if you are in a homeschool program or your school is not affiliated with a public school district; or 3) Unofficial Transcript if you are enrolling in a course with prerequisites.

Review & Approval Process. Upon submission, the form will be sent via email to your school counselor/education manager for review and approval. Once approved by your counselor/manager, our School Relations Team will review your Pre-Registration Form and uploaded materials. Pre-Registration Forms are processed in the order in which they are received. It can take 3-5 business days for the School Relations Team to process your form after receiving counselor/education manager course approval. You'll receive an email upon approval or if you are missing required documents. Please note, your form will not be processed until all documents are received. 

Register for Classes! You are responsible for registering for the courses on your approved list. We will email you instructions for registering including the specific day/time you will be able to start registering. 

Application Deadlines

Below are the deadlines for Steps 1-3 listed above for each term.   

Term Pre-Registration Form Deadline Registration Date
Summer 2024 Tuesday, May 14, 2024 Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Fall 2024 Tuesday, August 13, 2024 Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Winter 2025 Tuesday, December 3, 2024 Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Spring 2025 Tuesday, January 14, 2025 Tuesday, January 27, 2025

Contact Information

For more information, feel free to contact us at or call 530-895-2511. We're here to help you on your path to college!

Content editor:
Malcom Dixon